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  • Sirs, I am happy to give your company a testimonial, as I am very satisfied with the service I receive......... I do use your website for ordering, and after the initial completion of details on the first order, the process is a "doddle" !...

    Edwina Russell

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Slavery Policy



The statement sets down C&P Medical Trading Ltd commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our business activities and the steps we have put in place with the aim of ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our own business and supply chains. We all have a duty to be alert to risks, however small.  Staff are expected to report their concerns and management to act upon them.


Organisational structure and supply chains


C&P Medical Trading was set up in September 1998 and buys and sells disposable medical products, including bandages, medical wipes, paper towels, needles, syringes, IV and urinary catheters, tapes, dressings, disinfectants, latex and vinyl gloves.

 C&P Medical work very closely within the private Hospital and Wholesale sector and have online shops specialising in disposable supplies for the Podiatry, Chiropody and Physiotherapy markets, consistently delivering competitive prices, with our excellent and expansive product range.

The Company only currently operates in the United Kingdom. Suppliers are based in the United Kingdom and also in Europe and Asia. Audit of the supply chain is the responsibility of the Managing Director and is conducted when a new supplier is established and at periodic intervals. We consider both Tier One and Tier Two suppliers.


The Company is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or our supply chains. This Statement affirms its intention to act ethically in our business relationships.

We identify modern slavery risks and the steps to be taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our operations

The company will abide by the following:

Adherence to local and national laws, Freedom of workers to terminate employment, Freedom of movement, Freedom of association, Prohibits any threat of violence, harassment and intimidation, Prohibits the use of worker-paid recruitment fees, Prohibits compulsory overtime, Prohibits child labour, prohibits discrimination, Prohibits confiscation of workers original identification documents, Provides access to remedy, compensations and justice for victims of modern slavery. 


Ethical Trading

This summarises how we manage our environmental impacts and how we work responsibly with suppliers and local communities

Through supplier questionnaires and audits we undertake due diligence to ensure workers in our supply chains are not trapped in debt bondage. We also pay attention to avoid aggressive pricing that does not consider sustainable production costs, short lead times, late high-volume orders, inaccurate forecasting, late or extended payments, unfair penalties for not meeting orders despite last minute changes, inaccurate technical specifications 

Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking

The Company undertakes due diligence when considering taking on new suppliers, and regularly reviews its existing suppliers. The Company’s due diligence process includes building long-standing relationships with suppliers and making clear our expectations of business partners. Evaluating the modern slavery and human trafficking risks of each new supplier and invoking sanctions against suppliers that fail to improve their performance in line with an action plan provided by us, including the termination of the business relationship.

This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. The Directors of C&P Medical Trading Ltd endorse this policy statement and are fully committed to its implementation.